Emma Whines is Meanjin/Brisbane based writer and musician. She’s written for a range of publications including Fashion Journal Magazine, Starving Kids, Blank GC, The Glitter and Gold and The Music. Finishing up her Bachelors degree last year, majoring in International Relations and Writing, she is keen to delve further into the media and communications industry while continuing to write about culturally important issues, music news and politics. Currently, she works at SGC Media, writing for The Music. When she’s not at work, you can find her scouring gumtree for mid century furniture, or reading a book in the Meanjin sun.
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Kicking off on July 29th, this is a free event you don't want to miss.
"It's a surreal experience collaborating with my musical heroes."
"This isn't sweat, these are tears."
"Let's make more badass happen right now."
"This song is about being grateful with what you had, rather than something you regret.”
Between The Tides, a QLD Music Trails event, will host the unmatched duo on 7 and 8 of July.
Countrytown in partnership with KIX Country is proud to announce Ella & Sienna as our ‘Centre Stage’ artist of the week.
Tune in this Monday from 7pm!
"I stick up for the songwriters because I’m freakin’ one of them! Everything I do for the songwriters, I do for myself.”
I want people to feel good when they hear the new album. I want to set a celebratory tone, and “Giddy up!" is a way to call to the audience and say, "let's get ready for some fun!”