Parker McCollum positive for COVID-19

20 August 2020 | 6:13 am | Staff Writer

(Parker McCollum)

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Earlier today, Texas singer-songwriter Parker McCollum announced, via his Twitter, that he had tested positive for coronavirus and will cancel his appearance at upcoming shows in the US.

"I know there are a lot of you that were expecting to see me in concert this weekend in Manhattan, KS and Stillwater, OK. After several months of being of the road, we were finally getting a chance to play two socially distanced, mask-mandated shows Thursday and Friday," said Parker via social media.

The I Can't Breathe singer first noticed that he couldn't taste or smell anything during this morning's breakfast and rushed to get a test.

"After realizing this morning that I could not taste or smell anything at breakfast, I went to get test for COVID-19 and the results came back showing I was positive for the virus. My deepest apologies to the fans and the venues who were counting on me to perform. I absolutely believe that the shows should go on and I wish more than anything I could be there to play them."

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"I feel great and will self quarantine at the ranch for 14 days. It's just an absolute bad stroke of luck on the timing of contracting this virus. I want to play so bad. I truly am so sorry for not being there this weekend. Please wear your mask and stay healthy. Hope to see you all soon."

McCollum's latest single is Young Man's Blues is introspective moment for the singer as takes a hard look at himself; deciding to grow up and become an adult.