VIDEO PREMIERE: Beth Lucas - 'Home Town'

1 August 2023 | 11:33 am | Mary Varvaris

"Home Town was the first country song I wrote, and I wanted the clip to be as authentic as possible."

Beth Lucas

Beth Lucas (Source: Supplied)

Today, Countrytown is proudly premiering the new music video from Beth Lucas, Home Town. With her warm voice and authentic country twang, the Yandina, Queensland singer, brings a fresh take on the bittersweet feeling of homesickness, all while honouring family members who have since passed away.

Interspersing real-life footage of Lucas’ childhood with her visiting her hometown 20 years later, strolling through the main street, on the train tracks, and in the fields, Lucas and director Jazmyn Produces capture the essence of the singer’s poignant new single. You can watch the video below.

Lucas revealed in a statement, “Home Town was the first country song I wrote, and I wanted the clip to be as authentic as possible, so to be able to film it at my childhood home (despite the family selling it 20-odd years ago) was truly bittersweet.

“I was also able to include some old family videos, which really helps to set the scene and tell the story in full. I’m so proud of this song and video; Jazmyn has created something really special that I hope resonates with my audience.”

Home Town was written by Lucas and produced by multi-instrumentalist and award-winning producer Michael Moko (Melody Moko, Hayley Marsten, Catherine Britt). Only her second alt-country single – her first, Life Of The Party (Song For Erin), arrived in February – sounds and looks confident and assured in her country music journey.

In another achievement, the singer recently graduated from the CMAA's Academy of Country Music Australia’s senior Academy course and received the coveted Keith Urban Scholarship, which took place ahead of the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival

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