Death From Above 1979

Founded: 2001

Location: Canada

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Death From Above 1979

Death from Above 1979 (also known as Death from Above or DFA 1979) is a Canadian rock duo consisting of bassist Jesse F. Keeler and drummer and vocalist Sebastien Grainger from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 2001. The band released their debut album, You're a Woman, I'm a Machine, in 2004 and broke up in 2006. They reformed in 2011 and released their second album, The Physical World, in 2014. Since then the band has released 2 more albums, Outrage! Is Now in 2017 and Is 4 Lovers in 2021.


2004 You’re a Woman, I’m a Machine
2014 The Physical World
2017 Outrage! Is Now
2021 Is 4 Lovers

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