John Maus

Born: 23 / 2 / 1980

Location: United States

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John Maus

John Maus (born February 23, 1980) is an American musician, composer, singer, and songwriter known for his baritone singing style and his use of vintage synthesizer sounds and Medieval church modes, a combination that often draws comparisons to 1980s goth-pop. His early lo-fi recordings anticipated and inspired the late 2000s hypnagogic pop movement. On stage, he is characterized for his intense displays of emotion while performing. He is also a former teacher of philosophy at the University of Hawaii, where he later earned his PhD in political science.


2000 Love Letters from Hell
2003 I Want to Live
2006 Songs
2007 Love Is Real
2011 We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves

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