
Founded: 2009

Location: United Kingdom

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Crywank is an English anti-folk band based out of Manchester, England. The band is a duo consisting of vocalist/guitarist and founder Jay Clayton and drummer Dan Watson, who joined in 2012. Allmusic describes their body of work as containing "sadness, paranoia, misery, and dry humor", comparing them to AJJ or 'a sarcastic Bright Eyes'. The group have independently released eight full length albums. They have previously toured the UK, Ireland, Mainland Europe, Russia, South East Asia, South America, Australia, New Zealand, US, Mexico and Canada.


2010 James Is Going to Die Soon
2012 Narcissist on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
2013 Tomorrow Is Nearly Yesterday And Everyday Is Stupid
2014 Shameless Valentines Money Grab
2016 Don't Piss On Me, I'm Already Dead

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